Opinary jobs login password That’s a brand and message uplift that you can plan on. Opinary does not guarantee a placement of the campaign on a certain website or in a certain context; Opinary can place the individually designed survey of a Publisher before the automatically played survey of an Advertiser. Here you can take a look at some of our most recent success stories. Publishers can include us in their set-up via their Consent Management Platform and control the consent query. Opinary does not have any control on or stake in the processing of the data through their brand partners. Leading brands use Opinary to build first party relationships with their most valuable audiences. Brands. Wir arbeiten mit den größten Newsrooms in Deutschland zusammen. Email Reset Password Get personalized product recommendations via our comprehensive Regimen Builder. linkedin. Commercial Register Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 151824 B UstID DE291652961. Jul 23, 2023 · As a shared entity, Opinary will bring Affinity’s performance and branding products into its extensive network of brands and publishers in Europe. Feb 23, 2017 · Opinary is an audience engagement and insights platform engaging 25 million users across the U. Sign in to view job alerts, saved jobs, followed companies and more. After opting out, you will still see our polls – but we will no longer record your voting results. As a secondary benefit of incorporating Opinary polls, Der Spiegel observed a 57% uptick in time spent on site for articles featuring these polls. Log in to your Upwork account to access the platform and connect with clients and freelancers. Mar 23, 2021 · Opinary-Umfragen in Newslettern eignen sich gut dafür, zielgruppenspezifische Werbebanner auszuspielen. by opinary redaktion | Jul 23, 2023 | Featured, News. Yes, Opinary is registered as a vendor within the new Transparency and Consent Framework of IAB Europe. Jan 17, 2024 · Pia Frey, Mitgründerin von Opinary, wurde zur Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) von Affinity ernannt, was einen weiteren Meilenstein für das Unternehmen markiert. Password Protected. Opinary makes opinions matter. A German start-up online media entity called Opinary invented the interactivity feature, which has interactive visual tools such as pressekompass and speedometer to change the way audiences share Jul 20, 2023 · LUMCON, a program of the Board of Regents, as a consortium is a statewide academic endeavor to focus and strengthen the effectiveness of foundational marine science needed to address the environmental and socioeconomic challenges facing Louisiana and the nation. Enjoy happier clients, fewer missed opportunities, and a more efficient company. Opinary Success Stories demonstrate how the world’s leading brands and publishers have achieved their campaign goals through working with us. Du kannst hier sowohl Visuals, Gifs, als auch In-Tool-Sign-Ups verwenden. Furthermore, the acquisition will enable Affinity’s global publisher partners to generate first-party data at scale through Opinary’s polling technology. 3. Opinary guarantees interactions with your brand by high-quality users with every campaign. The Holiday season is upon us, and we are excited to share with you our End of the Year Review – what were the most voted on topics in the past 12 months? STERN pursues various goals with the use of Opinary: the tools increase the engagement on our pages, but also, they pay into our paid media strategy via conversion offerings as well as generate additional revenue through sponsored polls. Aber es gibt ein paar unverhandelbare Pfeiler, an denen wir uns in unserer Zusammenarbeit orientieren. Opinary propose une offre évolutive de dialogue pour les équipes éditoriales en ligne et les annonceurs afin d’activer et d’identifier le lectorat via des Derzeit gibt es keine offenen Stellenangebote bei Opinary. From April to October 2019, 7% of those trial subscribers converted into a full paid subscription. To view this protected post, enter the password below: Jan 5, 2021 · If you have a thirst for more in-depth information about the Opinary process or past campaigns, our new ‘ Success Story ’ pages offer a wide range of informative downloadable case studies. Die meisten Partner von uns verbauen einen Screenshot der Opinary-Umfrage. Opinary GmbH est une entreprise de médias technologiques basée à Berlin qui a été fondée en 2014 par les frères et sœurs Pia et Cornelius Frey en collaboration avec Max Meran. Dec 18, 2021 · Mit dem Tacho-Tool zum Millionen-Startup? Erfahre im Interview das Gründer-Geheimnis von Opinary & Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Gründung. Basierend auf den Bewertungen der letzten 2 Jahre würden 0% der Mitarbeitenden Opinary als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen. Opinary Dashboard provides insights and analytics for your Opinary campaigns, helping you understand audience engagement and optimize your strategies. and Germany through partnerships with Europe’s leading publishers; among them is The Guardian This is where Opinary’s Automated Matching System (AMS) comes in. Developed in collaboration with Opinary’s global newsroom partners to fulfil their demands to scale and stabilize their on-site engagement, conversion and revenue impact, Opinary’s mat-ching system automatically places relevant Opinary wird als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit durchschnittlich 4,3 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Was auch ein erweiterter Familienausflug sein könnte – sie hat das Startup 2016 gemeinsam mit ihrem Bruder Cornelius gegründet – hat in Wahrheit einen ganz anderen Grund: In der indischen Metropole sitzt mit Affinity Global Inc. Mar 17, 2017 · Als ich gesehen habe, dass unsere Interaktionsraten bei über 20 Prozent lagen und wir völlig neues Online-Engagement mit Nutzern erzeugten, haben wir den Pressekompass in Opinary umgewandelt. We recently dug out annual reviews from the past years, including one from 2016. Imprint. Opinary Year in Review 2023 The Holiday season is upon us, and we are excited to share with you our End of the Year Review – what were the most voted on topics in the past 12 months? Opt Out Your data download should start right away. The cookies stored allow us to summarize voting results in a statistically meaningful way and to optimize our service and the information presented in the interests of the user. Get personalized product recommendations via our comprehensive Regimen Builder. Create Page Login. Email Job Hai recruitment portal - get recruitment solution from Job Hai to hire right and bright candidates. Das bedeutete: Cornelius und Pia Frey schmissen ihre Jobs hin und feilten eifrig am neuen Konzept. Managing Director: Cornelius Frey ENGAGE Interact with your users. Our End of Year Report 2022 by Kris | Dec 19, 2022 | News. ads. You might have to give your browser consent to download multiple files at the same time. Get your free consultation Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO; Affinity Global strengthens management team – Axel Springer manager Aneta Nowobilska as European Publisher VP and Opinary Co-founder Pia Frey as CMO; The Year in Questions Dec 22, 2023 · Opinary Year in Review 2023. DMG Ireland and Opinary created a two-way conversation between audiences and advertisers using Opinary’s integrated poll platform. Affinity Global GmbH Engeldamm 62-64 10179 Berlin . RISK WARNING. Publishers use Opinary to every day to engage, monetize, and convert their audiences. Email Business management software to keep track of your clients, employees, jobs and billing. Login. Keine Personalie mehr verpassen und kostenlos den Newsletter von Medieninsider abonnieren oder direkt Mitglied werden. Frage sowie Antwortmöglichkeiten einfügen und anschließend auf “Save and Preview” klicken. Get online recruitment & manpower services! About Opinary. Careers; Contact; Login; Select Page. g. Opinary further works with partners, e. How did Opinary’s data help you overcome your challenges and achieve your goals? We worked closely with the Opinary team to develop a first in-market, bespoke, data led engagement offering. Opinary hilft den weltweit führenden Publishern und Unternehmen, bis zu 120 Millionen monatliche Nutzer zu erreichen, zu aktivieren und zu konvertieren. How we do it Mar 20, 2020 · Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Ireland Achieved 60% Ad CTR Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Affinity Acquires Opinary: Expanding Global Presence in Europe. 4 days ago · The Financial Times has been running newsletter polls for over 5 years at great success and strong audience engagement, consistently demonstrating their value in retaining subscribers. Ihre Frage-Tools, die im Umfeld redaktioneller Artikel die Meinung der User abfragen, sind mittlerweile bei Mar 15, 2017 · We’re obsessed with asking questions at Opinary. You should not invest more than you can afford to lose, and you should make sure you fully understand the risks involved. Persistent cookies can remain on the user’s device for between 60-90 days; session cookies only last for one browser session. In return for their contributions, associates have enjoyed growth and learning opportunities, as well as work-life balance in the form of remote Dec 20, 2020 · AdTech company mCanvas expands to Germany and backs Opinary’s technology; A Year in Questions: Revisiting 2024; Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Ireland Achieved 60% Ad CTR Boost with Opinary Polls Get personalized product recommendations via our comprehensive Regimen Builder. THE OPINARY EFFECT Monetise your audience. If you’re an advertiser interested in user-declared intent data and privacy-conform insights accompanying your digital engagement ads. Email <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://px. We are proud of our differences and we draw on them – in who we are, what we’ve experienced, and how we think. We drive curiosity by asking the right questions, at the right time & in the right place 💭 | In a world full of intrusive advertising, Opinary's instantly Dec 19, 2022 · The topics of the year from the Opinary editorial team The war next door. . Open in Google Maps (+49) 30 44033527 THE BASIC PRINCIPLE Engagement tool + ad format. 0 The Ordinary Niod Loopha Deciem Close Open search form RESET PASSWORD. You’ll join a venture-funded team with a deep passion for creating a Opt-Out. We allow our brands partners to add cookie pixels for tracking and potentially further processing purposes. It’s our chief interaction with our 30 million monthly users. The new appointments to Affinity’s leadership team mark a key step in Affinity’s growth, focus on the European market and the seamless integration of Opinary into the company. Get Your Reward Earn 2000 € when your referral becomes a customer, and we’ll donate 700 € to your chosen charity. 2. Success stories Examples FAQs Doug Farrell, DMG Ireland’s Group Head of Digital Media, explains how polls transformed Daily Mail Group’s advertising strategy by accessing First-Party Data at scale. Company Website: https://www. com/collect/?pid=3545226&fmt=gif" /> Login. If you additionally do not want us to send any information about you to our system, set that here. ad tracking companies, in order to help their brands partners to retarget potential clients. Red Box were the very first to use Opinary polls within a newsletter, driving engagement with a whopping engagement rate of 40-50% in 2020 – essentially becoming one of Opinary’s poll pioneers. Opinary’s offerings are used by over 160 online publications and more than 360 4 days ago · FT expands its use of polls across platforms | Guest Article. Every seventh Opinary survey in 2022 dealt directly with the war and its international echo. With Opinary, there are two stages: pre-vote and post-vote. Log in to the Opinary Dashboard to access and manage your account. Tool auswählen (Speedometer, Multiple Choice oder Slider) 3. After six months of hard work and dedication, we are very excited to officially launch our new Opinary website. Jetzt bei Glassdoor anmelden und aktuelle Jobs bei Opinary erhalten! Zum Inhalt springen Zur Fußzeile springen Login. Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO; Affinity Global strengthens management team – Axel Springer manager Aneta Nowobilska as European Publisher VP and Opinary Co-founder Pia Frey as CMO; The Year in Questions Don't have an account? Register now. Die Redaktionen unseres Premium-Publisher-Netzwerkes binden unsere Tools selbstständig ein, um ihre redaktionellen Beiträge interaktiv zu gestalten, die Meinungen ihrer Leser:innen besser verstehen und nachvollziehen zu können sowie eine nachhaltige Kund:innenbeziehung aufzubauen. Mar 20, 2020 · At Opinary, we’ve experienced various new additions to the team which has motivated us to streamline our strategic plans in order to boost our development. Protected: How Daily Mail Group Achieved 40% CPM Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Dec 22, 2023 · The Year in Questions. Now, the current pandemic development forces rapid adaption and puts us as any other company into the situation to establish new remote workflows and routines. Skip to content Skip to footer. Email Login and Password. de: o2 TV powered by waipu. 4 days ago · FT expands its use of polls across platforms | Guest Article. 0 The Ordinary Niod Loopha Deciem Close Open search form. Since March 4, “Focus Online” has been asking readers about their personal sense of threat from the war. Opinary, founded in 2016 and a subsidiary of the US-Indian ad tech company Affinity Global since 2023, enables digital publishers and advertisers to activate and convert their target groups in a scalable manner and gain exclusive first-party data. It’s also the way we make… Jun 6, 2024 · Das Start-up Opinary wurde 2016 gegründet und wurde 2023 vom Ad-Tech-Unternehmen Affinity Global übernommen. 01. UNSERE WERTE Wie wir arbeiten und uns behandeln. Opinary | 3,584 followers on LinkedIn. Success stories Our tools Terms of use. by Vera Solevska | Dec 22, 2023 | Featured, News. ” About Opinary. The Company offers a platform that enables publishers to enrich their content and make it interactive, engage and retain users, and monetize engaged traffic. LUMCON has provided unparalleled opportunities in marine science and education to the research community and public alike. 0 The Ordinary Niod Reset Password Be in the know. Wir generieren die Aufmerksamkeit Deiner Zielgruppe mit relevanten Fragen und konvertieren sie in Klicks, Signups und Leads. Our vendor number is 488. Und das jeden Tag. Learn how to log into Facebook or change your password. Denn vor ihrer aktuellen Tätigkeit war Demmer als Journalistin tätig und somit vor allem das Fragenstellen gewöhnt. Darauf sind wir stolz und wollen wir aufbauen. opinary. 4%. Jul 24, 2023 · In einer aktuellen Instagram-Story postet die Opinary-Gründerin Pia Frey ein Selfie mit ihren Co-Geschäftsführern aus Mumbai. Sponsored polls from our premium brand partners are contextually matched into articles within our portfolio. Our tools spark conversations and drive conversions across the world’s biggest publishers. We're on a mission to fix the state of online discussion. New Ordinary jobs added daily. Log dich in Dein Opinary-Dashboard ein und klick auf “Create Poll” 2. Our technology intuitively visualizes complex debates, right within the content of leading publishers. And that’s our greatest strength. Since inception, our vertically integrated structure, including our own laboratory, manufacturing, e-commerce sites, retail stores and brand infrastructure, enabled us to rapidly identify opportunities and deliver quality. New Opinary jobs added daily. Our key goal with this new The lockdown low-down – Opinary’s top polls of 2020 Apr 2, 2020 · Because fear is just as contagious as the virus itself. Opinary dient jetzt auch als Technologie hinter mCanvas mCanvas ist ab sofort mit seinem kompletten Angebot digitaler Werbelösungen in Deutschland verfügbar, unterstützt durch die umfragenbasierte Zero-Data-Technologie von Opinary. With Opinary, you ask the right questions – and use our technology to benefit from 60x higher interaction rates than comments, likes, sharing buttons etc. Email Login. opinary flex poll video Boost video views and brand awareness at peak attention Opinary’s Flex Video turns outstream video into an interactive experience by combining it with highly engaging polls that capture users attention and take it to the next level featuring video content in an immersive and engaging experience. Don't have an account? Sign up now. 3 Opinary acts as an independent contractor to the Publisher, acting in its own name and for its own account. Publishers. Affinity Global Inc, a globally-diversified ad tech firm that provides privacy-friendly advertising solutions and SaaS platforms, has announced its acquisition of Opinary, a Berlin-based consumer engagement focused media tech Login. Trading Forex and leveraged financial instruments involves significant risk and may result in the loss of your invested capital. English Join us for an exclusive webinar showcasing how publisher signals are reshaping the advertising landscape, and unlock the true potential of your first-party data. de: IPTV Extreme – Android: web. Get notified when Opinary posts jobs. Email Yes. There are currently no open jobs at Opinary listed on Glassdoor. Free Consultation; Opinary HQ Berlin. Apr 28, 2021 · Zu Demmers Job gehört auch der regelmäßige Besuch der Bundespressekonferenz – nach eigener Aussage eine der größten Herausforderungen in ihrem Job. One of the most frequently asked questions at the end of this historic year, in which Western democracies received a heavy blow with Brexit and Trump was whether 2016 had indeed been the To qualify for jobs posted in editing, news & journalism, writing, publishing, and other fields, Opinary leadership prefers applicants to possess these qualifications along with relevant experience. Affinity Global GmbH Engeldamm 62-64 Berlin 10179. Information we collect OPINARY SUCCESS STORIES | BRANDS Don’t just take our word for it. Diese Stärke beeinflusst wer wir sind, was wir tun und wie wir Arbeiten. Create an Account or Sign In. Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Ireland Achieved 60% Ad CTR Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO How Daily Mail Group Achieved 40% CPM Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Connect the Opinary team with your contact and arrange a meeting over call, email or chat. Opinary Native Ad Die Story ist aufgrund der Einbindung eines großen Visuals und kurzen Textes eine der visuellsten und emotionalsten Varianten der Opinary Post Vote Formate. If you’re having trouble logging in, Careers. In der Branche Marketing/Werbung/PR schneidet Opinary besser ab als der Durchschnitt (3,8 Punkte). to support the company in M&A and preparation for the IPO. Email How do job seekers rate their interview experience at Opinary? 29% of job seekers rate their interview experience at Opinary as positive. In diesem Zuge wurde Opinary-Mitgründerin Pia Frey Chief Marketing Officer bei Affinity. Today’s top 10 Opinary jobs. We increased brand uplift for the Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken Group by 11. Subscribe to receive science-backed tips, access to special offers, and new innovations. Success stories Examples FAQs Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO; Affinity Global strengthens management team – Axel Springer manager Aneta Nowobilska as European Publisher VP and Opinary Co-founder Pia Frey as CMO; The Year in Questions Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO; Affinity Global strengthens management team – Axel Springer manager Aneta Nowobilska as European Publisher VP and Opinary Co-founder Pia Frey as CMO; The Year in Questions Login. Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Achieved 40% CPM Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO; Affinity Global strengthens management team – Axel Springer manager Aneta Nowobilska as European Publisher VP and Opinary Co-founder Pia Frey as CMO; The Year in Questions We've missed you! Log in to your DECIEM Account. Pia hat Opinary zu einer weltweit anerkannten Plattform für Nutzer-Aktivierung gemacht und wird ihre Leidenschaft für Kreativität und Daten einsetzen, um die Marke Affinity zu stärken. Both parts are tailored to your brand and your audience’s interest in the most engaging ways. Unsere Tools Wir machen aus Meinungen Werbung, die wirkt. Track orders and manage all your subscriptions in one place. tv – Live TV Streaming – Android Tv: tvspielfilm. The Financial Times has been running newsletter polls for over 5 years at great success and strong audience engagement, consistently demonstrating their value in retaining subscribers. Mar 23, 2021 · Opinary polls can be used in many ways, but sometimes innovative use cases don’t come from us, but our brilliant publisher partners. So könnt ihr AbonnentInnen, die bereits ein Grundinteresse an euren Produkten mitbringen, in weitere Abos, Downloads oder Ähnliches konvertieren. Feb 19, 2025 · Pia Frey, co-founder of Opinary and CMO of Affinity, adds: “Opinary has over ten years of experience in getting users to interact with targeted questions and making this data usable. 2018 09:00 Millionen-Investment: Project A steigt beim Berliner Tech-Start-up Opinary ein Das Berliner Tech-Startup Opinary hat heute den Abschluss einer neuen Nov 18, 2024 · Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Ireland Achieved 60% Ad CTR Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Opinary further works with partners, e. Free Consultation Opinary’s success can be directly attributed to our diverse team of experts who come from over 15 Werde Teil unseres Teams! Bei Opinary ist jede:r anders — Das ist unsere größte Stärke. by Gordon Smith | Mar 7, 2025 | Featured, Featured. Apps and Sites CTV bild. The cookies collect and share information about you with third-parties to serve you with relevant advertisements and job recommendations based on your interactions with Amazon Jobs and third-party sites. Essentially, we integrated our audience data segments with the Opinary poll platform, allowing us to create a two-way conversation between potential Poll: brauchen-wir-ein-tempolimit-um-energie-z-vdm0go . de: Час ТВ онлайн – Android Careers; Contact; Login; Select Page. Open in Google Maps (+49) 30 44033527. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Slide into our DMs. 0 New GF 15% Solution; Serum Foundation Reset Password. Over 80 million monthly users understand complex debates at a glance and share their view with a single tap. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Apr 1, 2013 · In 2013 we had 2 employees and now we have thousands of employees, in over 10 countries. K. Anchored by Aug 7, 2018 · Opinary wurde 2016 von den Geschwistern Pia und Cornelius Frey und Max Meran gegründet. Over 10 million users have used our tools to share opinions that matter, on platforms from Spiegel Online to WirtschaftsWoche. Flexibilität ist uns wichtig. If the climate crisis, antics of world leaders gone astray and messy Brexit negotiations ruled the news last year, Covid-19 was our New Year’s Eve treat to ring in the new decade. Recent Posts. Jan 16, 2024 · Cornelius Frey, Co-founder and CEO of Opinary, is also taking on new responsibilities at Affinity Global Inc. Max Meran kommt als Co-Gründer an Bord. Der ganze Prozess dauert max. Candidates give an average difficulty score of 3 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty) for their job interview at Opinary. Opinary now serves as the technology behind mCanvas mCanvas is now available in Germany with its full range of digital ad solutions and supported by Opinary’s poll-based zero-data technology. This generates a 10x better engagement rate than traditional display ads, plus you earn a CPM of €4 on your impressions. Amazon Jobs uses cookies and similar tools such as pixels (collectively, “cookies”) for advertising purposes. Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Ireland Achieved 60% Ad CTR Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Thanks to Opinary, Spiegel Online is generating about 1,500 trial subscriptions per month. Opinary holt sich Verstärkung - W&V Das Medientech-Startup Opinary aus Berlin vergrößert sein Team um drei Köpfe von Axel-Springer und Xing Quelle: Werben & Verkaufen 24. Register free & explore career opportunities with Opinary. die Firma, die Opinary nun Opinary Careers - Apply to jobs in Opinary. Mar 16, 2017 · Drei Jahre arbeiten Cornelius und Pia Frey neben ihrem Job an dem Projekt, bis sie Anfang 2016 entscheiden, ihre Hauptberufe aufzugeben und mit Opinary rund um den Pressekompass ein Unternehmen aufzubauen. Dec 22, 2023 · Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO; Affinity Global strengthens management team – Axel Springer manager Aneta Nowobilska as European Publisher VP and Opinary Co-founder Pia Frey as CMO; The Year in Questions Opt-Out You have successfully opted out. Affinity Acquires Opinary: Expanding Global Presence in Europe. Come work with us! At Opinary, we’re not all the same. Managing Director: Cornelius Frey Today’s top 11,000+ Ordinary jobs in United States. It’s great to now be marrying this technology with mCanvas‘ globally successful product and becoming even stronger together. We Qualify Your Lead Our team will qualify the publisher to ensure they can really benefit from Opinary. Affinity Global Inc, a globally-diversified ad tech firm that provides privacy-friendly advertising solutions and SaaS platforms, has announced its acquisition of Opinary, a Berlin-based consumer engagement focused media tech Careers; Contact; Login; Select Page. Sign up to get notified as soon as new Opinary jobs are posted. The Russian invasion of Ukraine was the dominant topic this year. Today we can finally introduce it to you. Opinary instantly recognizable voting tools have innovated and changed the way global brands and respected publishers reach their target audiences. Nov 3, 2020 · Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Achieved 40% CPM Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Jan 9, 2025 · Opinary specializes in addressing users with meaningful questions in content for publishers including The Financial Times, Times of London, MSNBC and Yahoo. 2 Minuten. com. Our groundbreaking technology aggregates, analyzes and visualizes opinions and understands what the world is really thinking - in real time. Every day we help leading brands to reach, activate and engage with their target groups. Sign in to Optinary, the platform for easy investing in stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and indices. Beschreibung Die Opinary Story Ad schafft einen wirksamen Moment höchster Aufmerksamkeit. We wanted to make this new site faster, easier to navigate and more user-friendly. xvujni vhta rkda kvuh omnr xetkd apkuvve mlxbyn ahjoh bwpucix trytri enobfk abog rmuoenae guns