Axis m series. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera .

Axis m series Die AXIS M31 Series umfasst preisgünstige Turret-Kameras, die sowohl für die Überwachung im Innen- als auch im Außenbereich geeignet sind. 7” progressive scan RGB CMOS AXIS M3006-V: 1/3. 4mm fixed lens delivers a 130° horizontal field of view. 1 MP) 1920x1080 (2 Productos de AXIS M50 SERIES. O Optimized IR integrado possibilita o monitoramento em escuridão total de até 20 m (65 ft) ou mais AXIS M20 Series gives you excellent Axis image quality – even in darkness and tough conditions– in a series of small and stylish, bullet cameras. AXIS M1075-L Box Camera Ideal para una amplia gama de escenarios de videovigilancia, la serie AXIS M32 ofrece una excelente calidad de imagen de hasta 4 MP. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera AXIS M30 Series offers attractively priced mini domes suitable for indoor surveillance. AXIS M31 Series are attractively priced turret style cameras suitable for both indoor and outdoor surveillance. AXIS M4215-V Dome Camera Dôme varifocal 2 MP avec deep learning. AXIS M4215-V Dome Camera Productos de AXIS M10 SERIES. The M-Series is offered in 3 different size models: M. AXIS M5000-G PTZ Camera La Serie AXIS M30 ofrece minidomos con un precio atractivo, adecuados para la vigilancia en interior. A série oferece ótima qualidade de imagem com resolução de até 8 MP e campo de visão de 110°. AXIS M11 Box Camera Series는 다양한 적용 분야에 적합한 뛰어난 이미지 품질을 제공합니다. Featuring a deep learning processing unit, AXIS M42 Series supports advanced analytics based on deep learning on the edge. Ideal para una amplia gama de escenarios de videovigilancia, la serie AXIS M32 ofrece una excelente calidad de imagen de hasta 4 MP. Les AXIS M31 Series sont des caméras de type tourelle à prix attractifs adaptés à la surveillance intérieure et extérieure. AXIS M1055-L Box Camera HDTV 1080p econômica com aprendizado profundo. Documentação. This unit uses a 1/2. AXIS M1055-L Box Camera HDTV 1080p asequible con aprendizaje profundo. Unscrew the extension tube to release the base plate from the cover plate. AXIS M30 Series offers attractively priced mini domes suitable for indoor surveillance. AXIS M31 Series는 실내 및 실외 감시에 모두 적합한 합리적인 가격의 터렛 스타일 카메라입니다. Com até 12 MP, essas câmeras oferecem excelente qualidade de imagem e uma visão geral completa de 180° ou 360°, 24 horas por dia, independentemente das condições de luz. Built on ARTPEC-8, AXIS M43 Series offers built-in cybersecurity features to help prevent unauthorized access and safeguard your system. Folha de dados. De bancos a lojas, a AXIS M50 Series é ideal para uma ampla variedade de aplicações em áreas internas. The M-Series CNC systems come completely assembled and ready-to-run with the option to purchase in kit-form with a slightly lower cost. Call us FREE on 0800 488 0000 Earn Data Points for every pound spent Designed as a visible deterrent, AXIS M11 Series lets potential offenders know you’re watching and helps prevent trespassing and other unwanted activities. Al incluir una unidad de procesamiento de aprendizaje profundo, AXIS M42 Series es compatible con las analíticas avanzadas basadas en el deep learning en local. Aug 9, 2022 · IPVM is the world's authority on physical security technology, profiled by Time, The Atlantic, Wired and collaborated with the BBC, NY Times, Reuters, WaPo, WSJ, and more. Estas cámaras con clasificación IK10 incluyen un parasol para proteger de la lluvia, la nieve y el sol. Featuring Lightfinder, Forensic WDR, and OptimizedIR, they ensure clear, sharp images in any light conditions. La gamme AXIS M20 Series vous offre l’excellence Axis en termes de qualité d’image, même dans l’obscurité et dans des conditions difficiles, dans un format cylindrique compact et élégant. Product Comparison Tables - Q1 2025 (pdf) 11. axis m5526-e ptz camera 10倍ズーム&フォーカスリコール搭載4メガピクセルカメラ、屋内外対応 Explore the range of Axis M11 Series Fixed Box Cameras available at Comms Express, Networking Reseller - Free Delivery Available To Buy Online Today. La serie ofrece una gran calidad de imagen con una resolución de hasta 8 MP y un campo de visión de 110°. AXIS M1055-L Box Camera HDTV 1080p conveniente dotata di deep learning. Fiche technique. From retail to banking offices, these cameras are suitable for a wide range of surveillance scenarios. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera Featuring a deep learning processing unit, AXIS M42 Series supports advanced analytics based on deep learning on the edge. AXIS M30 Seriesは、屋内と屋外両方の監視に適した魅力的な価格のミニドームです。 最大8メガピクセルの高画質で撮影し、厳しい光条件でも細部まで鮮明に表示するワイドダイナミックレンジ(WDR)をコンパクトなドームに内蔵しています。 Built on ARTPEC-8, AXIS M43 Series offers built-in cybersecurity features to help prevent unauthorized access and safeguard your system. With autofocus capabilities, you can quickly zoom in on areas of interest. Axis fixed box cameras AXIS Q16 Series AXIS Q16591 AXIS Q1656 AXIS Q1656-LE AXIS Q1647 AXIS Q1647-LE AXIS Q1645 AXIS Q1645-LE AXIS Q1615 Mk III AXIS Q1615-LE Mk III Max. Dispositivi di AXIS M42 SERIES. La série comprend deux modèles multicapteurs avec PTZ intégré ainsi que des modèles avec zoom optique 10x pour une connaissance totale de la situation. AXIS M4317-PLR Panoramic Camera Des banques aux magasins de détail, l'AXIS M50 Series est idéale pour une grande variété d’applications intérieures. Documentation. 03 MB. 8 mm, 80° horizontal angle of view Produits dans AXIS M55 SERIES. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera AXIS M20 Series offre l'eccellente qualità d'immagine Axis, anche al buio e in condizioni difficili attraverso un gruppo di telecamere piccole ed eleganti in formato bullet. AXIS M3215-LVE Dome Camera Erschwingliche Überwachung in 2 MP mit Deep Learning. Do varejo a agências bancárias, essas câmeras são adequadas para uma ampla variedade de cenários de monitoramento. Dotata di obiettivo stereografico e Sharpdome 360, la serie AXIS M43 offre una maggiore nitidezza ai bordi dell'immagine. Offrant une excellente qualité d'image jusqu'à 8 MP, ces dômes compacts incluent une plage dynamique étendue (WDR) pour des détails exceptionnels, même dans des conditions d'éclairage difficiles. Installation Guide AXIS M10 Box Camera Series (pdf) 3. 8, fixed iris, megapixel resolution AXIS M3004-V: 2. La tecnología OptimizedIR integrada permite realizar tareas de vigilancia en total oscuridad y hasta 20 m o más Al incluir una unidad de procesamiento de aprendizaje profundo, AXIS M42 Series es compatible con las analíticas avanzadas basadas en el deep learning en local. Sie bieten einen gut sichtbaren, festen Blickwinkel, sodass Sie leicht genau sehen können, wohin die Kamera zeigt. The series includes two multisensor models with built-in PTZ as well as models with 10x optical zoom for total situational awareness. Designed as a visible deterrent, AXIS M11 Series lets potential offenders know you’re watching and helps prevent trespassing and other unwanted activities. AXIS M4308-PLE Panoramic Camera 12-MP-Dome für den Außenbereich mit Audioaufnahme. axis内の製品 m55 series. Dai negozi al dettaglio agli uffici bancari, queste telecamere sono adatte per un'ampia gamma di scenari di sorveglianza. AXIS M1075-L Box Camera Featuring a deep learning processing unit, AXIS M42 Series supports advanced analytics based on deep learning on the edge. AXIS M11 Box Camera Series offre una qualità di immagine eccezionale adatta a un'ampia gamma di applicazioni. AXIS M1075-L Box Camera Con un objetivo estereográfico y Sharpdome 360, la serie AXIS M43 ofrece una mayor nitidez en los bordes de la imagen. new AXIS M30 Series Image sensor AXIS M3004-V: 1/4” progressive scan RGB CMOS AXIS M3005-V: 1/2. Buy Axis Communications M3088-V 8MP Network Mini Dome Camera featuring 3840 x 2160 Resolution at 15 fps, 2. 최대 8MP의 우수한 이미지 품질을 구현하는 이 소형 돔에는 광역역광보정(WDR)이 포함되어 열악한 조명 조건에서도 세밀한 이미지를 생생하게 전달합니다. Produtos dentro da AXIS M10 SERIES. La gamme AXIS M30 Series propose des mini-dômes à prix attractifs adaptés à la surveillance intérieure et extérieure. Repainting instruction AXIS P32 and AXIS M32 Dome Camera Series (pdf) 214. Axis. La Serie AXIS M30 ofrece minidomos con un precio atractivo, adecuados para la vigilancia en interior. Mount the camera AXIS M10 Series is shipped with the base plate and a short extension tube mounted. Datasheet. AXIS M4215-LV Dome Camera Cupola varifocale da 2 MP con IR e deep learning. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera Resolución de 4 MP para interior y exterior con zoom de 10x y recuerdo de enfoque. Produits dans AXIS M32 SERIES. AXIS M3216-LVE Dome Camera 딥 러닝 처리 장치를 탑재하여, AXIS M42 Series는 에지에서 딥 러닝을 기반으로 하는 고급 분석을 지원합니다. These PTZ cameras feature day/night functionality with an automatically removable infrared-cut filter. 6” (effective) progressive scan RGB CMOS AXIS M3007-P/-PV: 1/3. Axis M10 Kameras; Axis M11 Kameras; Axis M20 Kameras; Axis M30 Kameras Featuring a deep learning processing unit, AXIS M42 Series supports advanced analytics based on deep learning on the edge. 1000 allowing you to choose the perfect size for your needs. A AXIS M11 Box Camera Series oferece excelente qualidade de imagem adequada para uma ampla gama de aplicações. AXIS M4215-LV Dome Camera Dôme varifocal 2 MP avec IR et deep learning. Die Serie umfasst zwei Multisensormodelle mit integriertem PTZ sowie Modelle mit 10-fachem optischem Zoom für einen guten Überblick über die Lage. Essas câmeras com classificação IK10 incluem proteção climática contra chuva, neve e sol. These high-performance cameras also allow you to collect and analyze valuable metadata—on the edge—for real-time events, forensic search, and statistical purposes. Du commerce de détail aux agences bancaires, ces caméras conviennent à un large éventail de scénarios de surveillance. . 1 MP) 1920x1080 (2. Dispositivi di AXIS M10 SERIES. Productos de AXIS M55 SERIES. 7" progressive scan RGB CMOS sensor to capture 2688 x 1512 resolution video at up to 30 fps. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera Indoor and outdoor 4 MP with 10x zoom and focus recall. AXIS M3086-V is a compact AI-powered dome camera with deep learning and includes Axis Edge Vault. Con Lightfinder, Forensic WDR y OptimizedIR, garantizan imágenes claras y nítidas en cualquier condición de luz. AXIS M3215-LVE Dome Camera Surveillance abordable en 2 MP avec deep learning. 이러한 고성능 카메라를 사용하면 실시간 이벤트, 포렌식 검색 및 통계 목적을 위해 에지에서 귀중한 메타데이터를 수집하고 분석할 수 있습니다. Integriertes Optimized IR ermöglicht je nach Szene eine Überwachung bei völliger Axis M30 Series; AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. 3 MP) 3072x1728 (5. ら⼊⼿できます。Axisは、ご使⽤の製品 と互換性のあるAxis給電ネットワークス イッチの使⽤を推奨します。 • Axisが提供または推奨する交換部品のみを 使⽤してください。 • 製品を⾃分で修理しないでください。修 理については、Axisサポートまたは販売代 Built on ARTPEC-8, AXIS M43 Series offers built-in cybersecurity features to help prevent unauthorized access and safeguard your system. A AXIS M20 Series oferece qualidade de imagem excelente – mesmo no escuro e em condições desafiadoras – em uma série de câmeras bullet pequenas e elegantes. From banks to retail stores, AXIS M50 Series is ideal for a wide variety of indoor applications . Great image quality in 2 MP AXIS Safety Wire 3 m Produkte innerhalb von AXIS M55 SERIES. Die kleinen, eleganten Bullet-Kameras der AXIS M20 Series liefern selbst bei Dunkelheit und unter schwierigen Bedingungen eine herausragende Bildqualität. Product comparison tables. For instance, Axis Edge Vault protects your Axis device ID and simplifies authorization of Axis devices on your network. 5-year warranty Fixed 2 MP mini dome with deep learning. These IK10-rated cameras include a weathershield for protection from rain, snow, and sun. La tecnología OptimizedIR integrada permite realizar tareas de vigilancia en total oscuridad y hasta 20 m o más Die AXIS M11 Mk II Series wurde als sichtbare Abschreckung konzipiert, damit potenzielle Täter wissen, dass Sie zuschauen, und von einem Eindringen und anderen unerwünschten Aktivitäten absehen. Featuring excellent image quality up to 8 MP, these compact domes include Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) for great details even in challenging light conditions. Equipadas com as tecnologias Lightfinder, Forensic WDR e OptimizedIR, elas garantem imagens claras e nítidas em qualquer condição de luz. 700, and M. These cameras are designed for use in retail stores, hotels, and other small businesses. The AXIS M30 series of network cameras from Axis Communications is a collection of discreet and affordable cameras that deliver high-quality video surveillance in a compact form factor. Hoja de datos. 3 MP) 1920x1080 (2. With everything displayed on one monitor, it’s possible to move from overview to detailed views in a single click. 내장된 OptimizedIR을 사용하면 완전한 어둠 속에서도 장면에 따라 최대 20m(65ft)까지 Productos de AXIS M10 SERIES. 이 시리즈는 110° 화각으로 최대 8 MP 해상도의 뛰어난 이미지 품질을 제공합니다. Documentación. Apresentando uma lente estereográfica e Sharpdome 360, a AXIS M43 Series oferece maior nitidez nas bordas da imagem. 87 KB. Com suporte a PoE e alimentação CC redundante, essas câmeras permitem uma instalação fácil e de baixo custo tanto em áreas internas quanto externas. Die AXIS M30 Series bietet preisgünstige Mini-Dome-Kameras, die für die Überwachung im Innenbereich geeignet sind. La technologie Optimized IR intégrée permet une surveillance dans l'obscurité totale jusqu'à 20 m Produkte innerhalb von AXIS M43 SERIES. Datenblatt. Con una excelente calidad de imagen de hasta 8 MP, estos domos compactos incluyen amplio rango dinámico (WDR) para obtener detalles excelentes incluso en condiciones de luz difíciles. AXISM20-LENetworkCameraSeries 2. 82 MB. Produkte innerhalb von AXIS M32 SERIES. AXIS M20-LE Network Camera Series AXIS M2025-LE Network Camera AXIS M2026-LE Network Camera InstallationGuide. 2” progressive scan RGB CMOS Lens M12 mount, F2. axis m10シリーズはプライバシーとセキュリティを考慮した設計で、小規模店舗や在宅介護に最適です。 コンパクトで設置が簡単なカメラに、ビデオのストリーミング中または録画中であることを示すタリーLEDを備えています。 La AXIS M31 Series son cámaras tipo torreta con un precio atractivo, adecuados para la vigilancia en interior y exterior. Axis IP-Kameras; Axis Aussenkameras; Axis Innenkameras; AXIS Videoturm Konfigurator; Axis NVR Rekorder; Axis End-to-End Solutions; Axis Software & Lizenzen; Axis Zugangskontrolle; Axis Systemgeräte; Axis Kennzeichenerkennung; Axis 4K Kameras; Axis Kameras M-Serie. Produits dans AXIS M42 SERIES. AXIS M1055-L Box Camera Un téléviseur HDTV 1080p économique grâce au deep learning. La AXIS M20 Series ofrece la excelente calidad de imagen de Axis (incluso en condiciones difíciles o de oscuridad) en una serie de elegantes cámaras compactas tipo bullet. This series includes a variety of models, including fixed, dome, and panoramic cameras, each with unique features and capabilities to meet different surveillance needs. 리테일 매장에서 은행 사무실에 이르기까지, 이 카메라는 광범위한 감시 시나리오에 적합합니다. Ideal for a wide range of video surveillance scenarios, AXIS M32 Series offer excellent image quality up to 4 MP. video resolution 5472x3648 (20 MP) 2688x1512 (4 MP) 2688x1512 (4 MP) 3072x1728 (5. Estas cámaras de alto rendimiento también le permiten recopilar y analizar metadatos valiosos, en local, para eventos en tiempo real, búsqueda forense y fines estadísticos. 5-year warranty Installation Guide AXIS M10 Box Camera Series (pdf) 3. AXIS M30 Series는 실내 감시에 적합한 합리적인 가격의 미니 돔입니다. AXIS M20 Series gives you excellent Axis image quality – even in darkness and tough conditions– in a series of small and stylish, bullet cameras. Al admitir PoE y alimentación de CC redundante, estas cámaras permiten una instalación fácil y económica tanto en interiores como en exteriores. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera Repainting instruction AXIS P32 and AXIS M32 Dome Camera Series (pdf) 214. Con un sensore fino a 12 MP, queste telecamere offrono una qualità d'immagine ottima e una panoramica completa a 180° o 360°, 24 ore su 24, a prescindere dalle condizioni di luminosità. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera Intérieur et extérieur 4 MP avec zoom 10x et rappel de mise au point. Ideal para uma ampla variedade de cenários de vigilância por vídeo, a série AXIS M32 oferece excelente qualidade de imagem de até 4 MP. They provide a clearly visible, fixed angle of view, making it easy to see exactly where the camera’s pointing. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera Page 8 AXIS M10 Series Install the hardware Important! AXIS M10 Series is not approved for outdoor use - the product may be installed in indoor environments only. A série inclui dois modelos multissensores com PTZ integrado, bem como modelos com zoom óptico de 10x para total consciência situacional. AXIS M32 Series offers superior image quality with progressive scan and wide dynamics, providing crisp and And you don’t need to invest in several cameras—with AXIS M4317-PLR and AXIS M4318-PLR you get a complete 180° or 360° overview for total situational awareness. AXIS M4215-LV Dome Camera 2-MP-Dome-Kamera mit Vario-Fokus, IR und Deep Learning. Key features • Superior image quality. Caratterizzate da un'eccellente qualità di immagine fino a 8 MP, queste cupole compatte includono ampio intervallo dinamico (WDR) per dettagli eccezionali anche in condizioni di illuminazione difficili. AXIS M1075-L Box Camera A AXIS M31 Series é composta por câmeras estilo torre com preços atrativos adequadas para monitoramento em áreas internas e externas. Axis M30 Series; AXIS M3086-V Dome Camera. axis m32シリーズは広範囲なビデオ監視シナリオに最適で、最大4メガピクセルの優れた画質を提供します。 IK10規格準拠のカメラに、雨、雪、日光から保護するためのウェザーシールドが付属しています。 Designed as a visible deterrent, AXIS M11 Series lets potential offenders know you’re watching and helps prevent trespassing and other unwanted activities. They can be installed indoors and outdoors – on walls, ceilings, poles, or in corners. These discreet, compact mini domes blend seamlessly into any environment. Additionally, the series includes two models featuring wireless I/O connectivity with Z-Wave Plus® devices. Furthermore, adding audio and I/O connectivity to your camera is easy using the AXIS T61 Series. AXISM20 Page 8 AXIS M10 Series Install the hardware Important! AXIS M10 Series is not approved for outdoor use - the product may be installed in indoor environments only. Please wait while your request is being verified Produkte innerhalb von AXIS M42 SERIES. Von Banken bis hin zu Einzelhandelsgeschäften - AXIS M50 Series eignet sich perfekt für eine Vielzahl von Einsätzen im Innenbereich. Con un sensor de hasta 12 MP, estas cámaras ofrecen una excelente calidad de imagen y una vista general completa de 180° o 360°, las 24 horas, independientemente de las condiciones de luz. Desde tiendas minoristas hasta oficinas bancarias, estas cámaras son adecuadas para una amplia gama de escenarios de vigilancia. The information provided here applies to all models, except where otherwise indicated. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera Innen- und Außenbereich, 4 MP mit 10-fachem Zoom und Fokusabruf. Axis Edge Vault is a hardware-based cybersecurity platform, that safeguards the device’s integrity from the factory and protects sensitive information from unauthorized access. Download. Con un objetivo estereográfico y Sharpdome 360, la serie AXIS M43 ofrece una mayor nitidez en los bordes de la imagen. The camera's 2. La gamme offre une excellente qualité d'image d'une résolution jusqu'à 8 MP avec un champ de vision de 110°. 500, M. Diese kompakten, einfach zu installierenden Kameras verfügen über eine Tally-LED zur Anzeige von Videostreaming oder -aufzeichnung. Plus, there’s just one camera to install, one cable to drop, one IP address and one video management software (VMS) license. AXIS M30 Series offers attractively priced mini domes suitable for indoor surveillance. Bei der Entwicklung der AXIS M10 Series, die sich optimal für kleine Geschäfte und Pflegeheime eignet, wurde viel Wert auf Privatsphäre und Sicherheit gelegt. Supportando PoE e alimentazione CC ridondante, queste telecamere consentono un'installazione semplice ed economica in ambienti interni ed esterni. 9mm Fixed Lens, 109° Horizontal Field of View, Supports microSD/SDHC/SDXC Cards, RJ45 Ethernet with PoE Technology, Complies with ONVIF Profiles G, M, S & T, IK08-Rated Vandal Resistance. AXIS M5000 PTZ Camera Cámara para interiores de 15 MP con zoom óptico de 10x . Built-in Optimized IR allows for surveillance in complete darkness up to 20 m (65 ft) or more depending on the scene. Produits dans AXIS M10 SERIES. This manual applies to the AXIS M3203/AXIS M3203-V and AXIS M3204/AXIS M3204-V Fixed Dome Network Cameras. AXIS M3216-LVE Dome Camera Produtos dentro da AXIS M55 SERIES. AXIS M4215-V Dome Camera The AXIS M11 series from Axis Communications is a range of affordable, compact, and easy-to-use indoor cameras designed for businesses and organizations of all sizes. PoE 및 예비 DC 전원을 지원하는 이러한 카메라는 실내 및 실외 모두에서 저렴한 비용으로 쉽게 설치할 수 있습니다. Dokumentation. Die Serie bietet hervorragende Bildqualität mit einer Auflösung von bis zu 8 MP und ein Sichtfeld von 110°. Diese Kameras eignen sich für eine Vielzahl von Überwachungsszenarien – vom Einzelhandel bis zu Bankfilialen. Products within AXIS M55 SERIES. AXIS M30 Series offre mini dome dal prezzo interessante adatte alla sorveglianza interna. It caters to small businesses, offices, and even residential settings where simplicity, affordability, and quality are paramount. The series offer great image quality up to 8 MP resolution with 110° field of view. AXIS M1075-L Box Camera La serie AXIS M11 Box Camera ofrece una excelente calidad de imagen adecuada para una amplia gama de aplicaciones. La AXIS M31 Series son cámaras tipo torreta con un precio atractivo, adecuados para la vigilancia en interior y exterior. AXIS M5526-E PTZ Camera 4 MP para áreas internas e externas com zoom de 10x e recuperação de foco. Aug 14, 2023 · Axis M Series: Positioned as a solution for small to mid-sized installations, the Axis M Series offers reliable and cost-effective surveillance capabilities. Diese kompakten Dome-Kameras mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität von bis zu 8 MP verfügen über Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) für großartige Details auch bei schwierigen Lichtverhältnissen. Monitor a room or hallway with the M3086-V 4MP Network Mini Dome Camera from Axis Communications. セサリーは、Axisまたはサードパーティか ら⼊⼿できます。Axisは、ご使⽤の製品 と互換性のあるAxis給電ネットワークス イッチの使⽤を推奨します。 • Axisが提供または推奨する交換部品のみを 使⽤してください。 • 製品を⾃分で修理しないでください。修 AXIS M20 Series는 암흑과 거친 환경에도 탁월한 Axis 이미지 품질을 제공하는 작고 세련된 불릿 스타일 카메라 제품군입니다. zcvkvji whfa jyihu obiqd pql qmcw zllchofl tkhdzfn pybvs qozjy xnmg jptgu sctp gjelx gis